Hotel Cleaning Tips That Guests Should Never Forget

Cleaning bathroom faucet
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While travelers hope that their hotel rooms will be spotlessly clean upon their arrival, that’s not always the case. Luckily, there’s a few places in your room you should check out first to make sure that your hotel room is ready for your stay. With these helpful tricks, you can sleep peacefully knowing that your hotel room will be clean for however long you decide to stay.

Check That The Linens Have Been Changed

Towels in hotel room
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Hotel linens, such as bedsheets, pillowcases, and blankets, should be replaced after every guest stay. This is essential, as studies show that up to 55% of guests cite bed cleanliness as the top factor in hotel reviews. That’s why you should check for any stains or signs of use on your sheets and towels as soon as you enter your hotel room. Fresh linens help convey a sense of cleanliness and hygiene to new guests, reinforcing trust in the hotel’s sanitation efforts.

Check That The Floors Have Been Vacuumed

Hotel room floor and slippers
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Floors, whether carpet or hard surface, harbor dirt, dust, and germs. Thorough vacuuming and mopping are non-negotiable. Hotels see a turnover of hundreds of guests per week, and floors can quickly become breeding grounds for bacteria. Regular cleaning, including vacuuming corners and under furniture, reduces allergens and creates a visually clean environment. If you notice that the floors aren’t clean, there’s a good chance that other areas of your room aren’t clean either.

Disinfect High-Touch Surfaces

Disinfecting a telephone
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High-touch surfaces like remote controls, light switches, door handles, and phones must be disinfected frequently. Research shows that these items can harbor over 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Ensuring these surfaces are germ-free before use minimizes the risk of viral and bacterial transmission, protecting both guests and staff.

Disinfect the Bathroom

Hotel room bathroom
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Bathrooms require special attention as they are prime areas for bacterial growth due to moisture. An estimated 42% of hotel guests prioritize bathroom cleanliness when rating their stay. Using powerful disinfectants, scrubbing all surfaces (including grout and tiles), and ensuring mirrors and faucets are streak-free ensures a sparkling, hygienic space for guests. If you notice that any of this hasn’t been done, consider staying at a different location.

Check the Trash Cans

Hotel room interior with a trash bin
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Even small amounts of trash can create unpleasant odors and a sense of uncleanliness. Replacing trash liners and sanitizing the bins, even if they’re barely used, prevents the buildup of bacteria. Do a quick check of all of the trash bins in your room as soon as you check in, making sure that nothing was overlooked by the cleaning staff.

Use Fresh Air and Odor Management

Open windows in a hotel room
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Odor plays a big role in your first impression of a hotel room. Studies suggest that 87% of guests associate cleanliness with fresh-smelling rooms. Opening windows to ventilate and using odor eliminators or air fresheners ensures that stale smells are replaced with fresh air, even after you’ve been staying in the room for a few days.

Check For Dust

Woman dusting under bed
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Dust can accumulate quickly on surfaces like nightstands, desks, and headboards. Regular dusting also helps improve air quality, especially for guests with allergies. Given that dust mites can thrive in just a few days, frequent dusting is essential in maintaining a hygienic and allergen-free environment. If you notice that areas of your room haven’t been dusted recently, request a cleaning or ask for a new room.

Sanitize Remote Controls

Disinfecting a remote control
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Remote controls and phones are some of the dirtiest items in a hotel room, often harboring thousands of bacteria. A study revealed that remotes could be home to over 70 different types of harmful bacteria. Regular disinfecting of these items with alcohol-based cleaners can significantly reduce your health risks and can be done with disinfecting wipes and sprays.

Inspect for Damage or Wear

Clean hotel room
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Inspect the room for any signs of wear, such as stains on the carpet or broken furniture. Addressing these issues immediately helps preserve the overall appearance and functionality of the room, and hotels that don’t keep up with maintenance might not be worth a stay. A well-maintained room can contribute to the hotel’s reputation and guest satisfaction, resulting in a higher chance of positive reviews, so make sure to check sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor before you travel.

Pay Attention to Grout and Tile

Hotel room shower
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Grout lines in bathrooms can easily trap mold and dirt. Cleaning grout regularly with specialized products helps prevent mold growth, which can become a health hazard. With approximately 30% of all guests inspecting bathroom cleanliness, sparkling tiles and grout play a major role in guest perceptions.

Maintain a Clean Kitchen or Kitchenette

Hotel room kitchenette
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If your hotel offers kitchenettes, it’s crucial to sanitize countertops, appliances, and sinks before you use them. Kitchen cleanliness is often under scrutiny, especially with 63% of travelers using available kitchenettes during their stay. Leaving behind traces of food or dirt can negatively affect guest experiences.

Check for Missing Items

Hotel telephone on an end-table
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Ensure that all standard items—such as towels, toiletries, and remotes—are in place and functional when you arrive. Even minor details that have been overlooked can be a sign of bigger things being overlooked later in your stay. A study showed that 20% of guest dissatisfaction stemmed from missing or malfunctioning items, such as broken coffee machines or missing towels.

Sanitize Light Fixtures and Lamps

Lamp on end-table in a hotel room
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Light fixtures are often overlooked during cleaning, yet they can accumulate dust and dirt. Regular cleaning of lamps and overhead fixtures improves the room’s overall appearance and enhances lighting quality. Clean light sources also contribute to the room’s cleanliness by providing a bright and inviting atmosphere.

Check For Any Leftover Items

Dirty hotel room
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Check closets, drawers, and under the bed for items left behind by previous guests. Even seemingly harmless items like forgotten clothing can harbor bacteria and be a sign of bigger issues at your hotel. Ensuring that every trace of the previous guest is removed sets the stage for a clean and welcoming space.

Final Inspection

Woman looking out the window of hotel room
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Once the cleaning process is complete, conduct a final inspection to ensure that the room meets the highest standards. Checking every corner for overlooked spots, confirming that all amenities are in place, and ensuring a fresh scent for your stay. Maintaining a clean hotel room goes beyond basic tidiness—it’s about ensuring a sanitary, safe, and pleasant environment.

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