Essential Travel Tips for First-Time Fliers

Interior of a plane
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Going on your first flight can be just as daunting as it is exciting. To ease your nerves make sure that you are prepared for your first flight experience. While not every traveler will be so bewildered that they could mistake an emergency exit for a bathroom, that doesn’t mean you don’t want a heads-up about what you need to know before you fly. Here is our list of twenty things you need to know before you take your first flight.

Don’t just book a flight, book your seat

Typing on a laptop

Beyond booking your flight, you can also book a specific seat. Depending on the airline that you are using, you can choose if you want an aisle seat, a window seat, or a middle seat. Depending on whether you want easy access to find a bathroom, a great view, or to mentally deny that you are in the air at all, this can be a pretty important decision. You can choose your preference when you book the flight or later by logging onto the airline’s website. 

Get the app before you fly

Apps on a smartphone

All of the major airlines have their own app, and you should definitely download it before your flight. Some apps allow you to do a pre-check-in and miss the long lines, while you can also use the app to stay on top of things like flight status, departure time and gate changes, and even in-flight entertainment options. 

Make sure you have travel insurance

Using a tablet to plan travel for an upcoming trip

Nobody wants to think of worst-case scenarios when planning a fun trip, but it is an important detail that you can’t afford to forget. Make sure that you purchase travel insurance so that if something does go wrong you will have at least some coverage for things like lost baggage, a flight cancellation, or a medical emergency. 

Don’t pack everything you own

Packed luggage

Any time you are going to take a trip it can be so tempting to overpack. You don’t want to end up wishing you brought something that you left at home, but the truth is the lighter you pack, the easier your trip will be. No one wants to spend half of their trip carting around luggage that has to be unpacked and repacked throughout your trip. Packing light also ensures the least amount of damage if you do happen to have a lost luggage situation. Don’t forget to check your airline’s carry-on size restrictions before you go.

Make sure your passport is up to date

Passport while traveling

Did you know that some countries won’t allow you entry if your passport is within six months of its expiration date? We understand that getting a new passport can be expensive and time-consuming, but not having an updated passport while you are traveling can absolutely ruin a trip. Make sure you check all of the details and that everything is up to date before you set off for your excursion. 

Get familiar with your itinerary

Map, passport, camera, compass, computer and miniature plane

Checking out your itinerary at the last second could leave you scrambling. This is especially true for first-time fliers. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed by changing flights or handling layovers. Make sure you are on top of any flight changes, layovers, and other alternative methods of travel, like shuttles and taxis, that you will need to take to get to your final destination. 

Be early for your flight

Airport terminal

You should arrive at the airport two to three hours before your flight’s departure time. This allows time for you to find everything you need, deal with any lines or back-ups that you may run into, and make adjustments for any unforeseen situations. Even if you expedite the process by checking in online, traveling light, and paying for priority check-in privileges, remember surprises do happen. 

Check your phone plan

Woman looking at her phone

No one can be without their phone these days but don’t just assume it will all work itself out. International roaming charges can add up way faster than you think. Check with your phone provider and purchase the appropriate packages so your phone will work wherever you are traveling to. You will want to download travel apps and apps with information about locations that you visit while on your trip.

Give respect to get respect

Reading in-flight

Remember that you will be traveling, possibly for many hours, in close quarters with many other travelers. Use common sense and common courtesy. Make sure you use headphones for any audio, be polite, but don’t talk anyone’s ears off, avoid intensely smelling fragrances and foods, and make sure you stay in the seat you purchased- not someone else’s.

Plan for your new time zone

Alarm clock

A lack of planning for a new time zone can seriously exacerbate jetlag. The more dramatic the time difference is, the sooner you should start trying to adapt to it. Change your phone and watches to the new time and try to get your sleep schedule on track with your new time so that you don’t miss out on anything because you feel groggy or have to take an extra nap. 

Exchange your money, but not too much

Different kinds of currency

Of course, you will want to have some local currency with you when you arrive at your travel destination, but you want to make sure you aren’t running around with loads of cash on you. That just invites robbery and other financial disasters. Remember, most places have plenty of accessible ATMs that you can use and you will likely be able to exchange your money abroad as well if needed. 

Let your bank know you will be traveling

Woman looking at her phone in an office

A really cool feature that most banks have to protect you is the ability to freeze your account if they see too many unusual charges. That’s a great thing until you are making the unusual charges yourself because you are traveling and either buying things the financier would not expect or making charges in a strange and distant location. 

Bring your own entertainment

In-flight entertainment

Flights can be long and boring. You may not care for the entertainment that they provide. What happens if you are planning to take a long nap, but simply can not get to sleep on your flight? It is best to make sure that you have something to watch, listen to, or read in-flight, just in case you do end up needing it. It can also come in handy if you have a delayed flight or end up at an airport longer than expected. 

Dress comfortably for your flight

Man lounging on grass

We know that no one wants to look sloppy, and we aren’t saying that at all, but do make sure you will be comfortable during your flight. This isn’t a fashion show. Even celebrities dress down for flights. It’s great to look nice, but do it with soft, breathable fabrics, and make sure to take into consideration the weather where you will be landing as well.

Bring lots of snacks

Man shopping at a convenience store

Make sure that you come prepared with your own snacks that you will enjoy. Don’t count on finding what you want at the airport- plus if you buy it at the airport it is going to cost you at least twice as much! Bring your own snacks so you will be comfortable and assured that you will have exactly what you want.

Plan on at least one day for recovery

Person napping on a couch

Everyone wants to make the most of their trip, but if you are taking a long flight, especially through multiple time zones, you will need some time to recover. You won’t have the best experience if you try to hit the ground running. At least plan light activities that won’t be too demanding and wear you out even further. 

Stick to credit cards when possible

Credit cards

The old-school mentality says that you should stick to cash when traveling, but that was truly a different time. You have more protection and far less chance of losing your money if you stick to using credit cards while traveling. Furthermore, it gives you an easy way to track purchases and stay on budget when needed. 

Stay hydrated

Water bottle

Airplanes are notoriously dry environments and long trips can quickly dehydrate your body. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your flight so that you stay feeling your very best. Keep in mind you will be able to get bottled water on the flight, but you can also bring water bottles in your carry-on if they are less than or equal to 3.4 oz (100 ml). Empty water bottles are also allowed and can be filled up after passing through security.

Don’t be afraid to take pictures

Airplane's wing

Plane selfies are awesome and a great way to remember your trip, Being a first-time flier, you will want to look back on the experience. Lots of people love to take a shot of the view out the window as well. It’s an awesome way to memorialize your experience. 

Stay clam

Woman traveling in hat and poncho

Try not to panic if something does go wrong. Nothing is perfect and no one’s plans ever work out exactly. If something doesn’t go your way, hang in there and stay calm. At least you will have a great story to tell when you get home. 

For more travel tips and hacks, visit our website and explore our resources to enhance your next adventure.

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