26 Air Travel Do’s and Don’ts For The Next Time You Fly
Traveling is stressful enough without your fellow plane passengers behaving badly. Too many people forget basic codes of conduct when they board a plane. It’s better to brush up on common etiquette before you leave for the airport than to be berated by the flight attendant for your unruly behavior. So let’s review some do’s and don’ts for air travel…
Don’t Delay the Boarding Process

Don’t delay the boarding process, it’s as simple as that. Passengers tend to take their time settling into their seats and stowing their bags away, irritating their fellow passengers. There are 200 people waiting behind you while you fumble around wondering which bag to put your passport in.
Do Get Organized

Always be organized. It’s the only way to make sure that you have everything you need before you actually need it. Before you board a plane, know what bag/items you are going to keep with you at your seat and what bag goes in the overhead locker. After all, you all want to take off on time.
Don’t Rely On Others to Lift Your Bags

Don’t expect the cabin crew on your flight to lift your bag into the overhead lockers, especially if the reason is that it’s too heavy for you. Passengers often assume that this is part of the crew’s duty, and at times leave their bags in the aisle while they take their seats.
Do Pack Lightly

Ask your crew to assist you with lifting your bag if you need help. Be considerate of the weight of your bag when you are packing it and keep in mind that if it’s too heavy for you to lift, it’s probably too heavy for the crew members, even though they may seem like superheroes of air travel.