Travel Guide to Mauritius Island’s Underwater Waterfall

aerial view of mauritius island underwater waterfall
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Key Highlights

  1. Mauritius is home to a unique natural wonder – an underwater waterfall
  2. The underwater waterfall is an optical illusion created by sand and silt deposits sliding down a slope into the ocean abyss
  3. Visitors can experience the underwater waterfall through helicopter tours or by diving and snorkeling
  4. Le Morne Peninsula, where the underwater waterfall is located, offers other attractions such as Le Morne Brabant and Black River Gorges National Park
  5. The best time to visit the underwater waterfall is during the dry season to enjoy favorable weather and avoid tourist crowds
  6. When planning a trip to the underwater waterfall, it is important to pack appropriate clothing, footwear, and photography equipment


Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, is home to a breathtaking natural wonder – the underwater waterfall. This optical illusion is created by sand and silt deposits, making it a must-see for any traveler. Understanding the science behind this phenomenon, as explained by CNN, adds to the fascination. Visitors can experience the waterfall through helicopter tours, scuba diving, or snorkeling. With essential packing tips, accommodation options, and transportation guidance, preparing for this unique adventure becomes seamless. Get ready to explore this enchanting underwater marvel and discover the best of Mauritius.

Why Visit the Mauritius Island Waterfall?

scenic aerial view of the underwater waterfall in mauritius
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Discover the unique natural phenomenon and scenic beauty of the underwater waterfall in Mauritius. Experience one of nature’s wonders with breathtaking photographic opportunities. Explore the science behind this captivating sight and find out why it’s a must-visit destination.

Largest Underwater Waterfall

The best travel guides make it a point to emphasize the fact that Mauritius Island is home to the largest underwater waterfall. Beneath the crystal-clear waters off the Le Morne Peninsula in Mauritius lies a captivating optical illusion known as the underwater waterfall. This natural wonder, a unique harmony of shades created by sand and silt deposits, gives the impression of a majestic waterfall cascading into the depths of the Indian Ocean. This stunning phenomenon, a testament to the marvels of Mother Nature, is a must-see for visitors seeking the extraordinary while also being one of the largest underwater waterfalls on the entire island.

Scenic Beauty and Photographic Opportunities

Landscape with Le Morne beach and mountain at Mauritius island, Africa
Image: Serenity-H, Shutterstock

The scenic beauty of the underwater waterfall is a captivating sight that offers unparalleled photographic opportunities. The optical illusion created by the cascading sand and silt sediments into the ocean depths against the backdrop of the Indian Ocean is a unique harmony of shades. The gradual slope of the ocean shelf accentuates the natural wonder, making it a photographer’s paradise. The underwater waterfall presents a rare chance to capture the mesmerizing effects of volcanic activity and ocean currents in a single frame.

The Science Behind the Underwater Waterfall Mauritius

The underwater waterfall in Mauritius is not an actual waterfall but an optical illusion created by sand and silt deposits. This mesmerizing phenomenon occurs on the southwestern tip of the island, where the steep underwater slope of the ocean shelf abruptly drops, giving the impression of a cascading waterfall. The sand and silt, carried by ocean currents, create a remarkable illusion of water plunging into the depths of the sea, showcasing the fascinating interplay of geological and hydrodynamic forces. The drop-off at this location is over 4000 metres, making it one of the deepest underwater waterfalls in the world.

How Does the Underwater Waterfall Work?

split image of sand and slit deposits as well as ocean currents
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The underwater waterfall in Mauritius is an optical illusion caused by sand and silt deposits. The underwater currents create the appearance of a cascading waterfall. As the lighter sand and silt are carried away, it creates a visually stunning effect, attracting visitors from around the world.

The Role of Sand and Silt Deposits

The underwater waterfall in Mauritius is not actually a waterfall but an optical illusion caused by sand and silt deposits. These deposits, found on the submarine plateau known as the Mascarene Plateau, create the impression of water cascading off the coastline of the Le Morne peninsula, adding to the scenic beauty of the underwater landscape. The gradual slope of the ocean shelf combined with the unique harmony of shades in the silt deposits contributes to this mesmerizing natural wonder. Mother Nature has truly crafted a remarkable spectacle through the role of these deposits.

Best Time to Visit the Underwater Waterfall

According to travel guides, the best time to visit the underwater waterfall in Mauritius is during the austral winter, from May to December. This period offers favorable weather conditions with lower chances of rain, providing better visibility for observing the phenomenon. Additionally, tourist crowds are relatively thinner during these months, allowing for a more serene experience. Considering weather and crowd factors will ensure a memorable and enjoyable visit to this unique natural wonder.

Weather Considerations

two calenders with mauritius island in the background, may calendar with an arrow pointing to the december calendar
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When planning a visit to the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, it’s crucial to consider the weather. The best time to experience this natural wonder is during the dry winter season from May to December when the weather is generally pleasant, and the seas are calmer. Avoid the cyclone season from January to March, as rough seas may limit access to the site. Understanding the weather patterns will ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience, allowing you to witness this breathtaking phenomenon in all its glory.

Tourist Crowd Factors

The tourist crowd factors at the underwater waterfall in Mauritius are influenced by seasonal variations. From May to September, the island experiences a drier and cooler climate, attracting more tourists. December to April, on the other hand, is prone to cyclones and heavy rainfall, leading to fewer visitors. Additionally, the holiday periods and school vacations see an influx of tourists. Understanding these factors can help in planning a visit with fewer crowds for a more serene experience.

Experiencing the Underwater Waterfall: Viewing Options

Viewing the underwater waterfall in Mauritius offers two distinct experiences. Helicopter tours provide an aerial view, showcasing the optical illusion created by sand and silt deposits. Alternatively, scuba diving and snorkeling allow visitors to witness the underwater waterfall up close. The gradual slope of the ocean shelf accentuates the natural wonder, while the unique harmony of shades mesmerizes viewers. Both options offer unparalleled perspectives of this mesmerizing phenomenon, appealing to those seeking adventure and a deeper connection with Mother Nature.

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

guy scuba diving and with coral reefs
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Experience the breathtaking underwater world surrounding the “underwater waterfall” through scuba diving and snorkeling. Dive into the enchanting Indian Ocean, filled with an array of marine fauna and flora. Witness the optical illusion of the underwater waterfall from a unique perspective, as you explore the silt deposits, volcanic activity, and the ocean floor. Scuba dive or snorkel amidst the unique harmony of shades and silt sediments, creating a magical experience unlike any other.

Helicopter Tours for Arial View

Experience the breathtaking underwater waterfall in Mauritius from an unparalleled vantage point with helicopter or seaplane tours. Soar above the Indian Ocean to witness this optical illusion where sand and silt deposits create the impression of a cascading waterfall beneath the sea. Marvel at the unique harmony of shades as the ocean floor descends into the abyss, forming this natural wonder. Helicopter and seaplane rides offer an exclusive opportunity to capture this mesmerizing phenomenon from the air, providing an unforgettable perspective of Mother Nature’s artistry.

Essential Packing List for the Underwater Waterfall Visit

When preparing for a visit to the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, it’s essential to pack the right items. Clothing suitable for warm weather and comfortable footwear are a must. Don’t forget your photography equipment to capture the unique natural phenomenon of the underwater waterfall. Additionally, consider carrying sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat for protection from the sun. Packing light and staying hydrated are essential for an enjoyable and comfortable experience at this remarkable destination. Remember to pack your sense of wonder and adventure too!

Clothing and Footwear

back of a man in light wear clothing in a tropical climate
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When preparing for a visit to the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, lightweight and breathable clothing is essential due to the tropical climate. Comfortable footwear, such as water shoes or sandals, is recommended for walking on uneven coastal terrain. Additionally, packing swimwear for snorkeling and exploring nearby beaches is advisable. It’s important to consider sun protection, so don’t forget to bring a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and eco-friendly sunscreen to fully enjoy the experience.

Photography Equipment

When preparing for a visit to the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, photography equipment is essential. Taking underwater waterfall photos is an important part of visiting the waterfall for many visitors. The unique natural phenomenon warrants the use of high-quality cameras or GoPros to capture the optical illusion effectively. Additionally, consider bringing a polarizing filter to enhance the scenic beauty’s vibrant colors. A sturdy tripod will be useful for stability during photography, especially for long exposure shots. Lastly, don’t forget extra memory cards and batteries to ensure you never miss a shot of this natural wonder.

Choosing the Right Accommodations

When planning a trip to witness the stunning underwater waterfall in Mauritius, it’s important to choose accommodations that offer proximity to the attraction. Opt for hotels or resorts located near the southwestern coastline, ensuring easy access to the site. Additionally, consider accommodations that provide guided tours or transportation services to the underwater waterfall. This will enhance your overall experience and make it convenient to explore this natural wonder without any hassle. Selecting the right accommodations ensures a memorable and comfortable visit to the underwater waterfall.

Proximity to the Underwater Waterfall

tropical resort at nightime  with a waterfall going into the pool
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If you’re planning a visit to the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, it’s essential to consider the proximity of your accommodations to this natural wonder. Fortunately, there are several coastal resorts located near the southwest coast of the island, providing easy access to the underwater waterfall. To make the most of your experience, consider staying at a hotel or resort in the vicinity of Le Morne Brabant, where you can enjoy the enchanting views and convenient access to this mesmerizing site.

Range of Amenities

When visiting the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, it’s essential to consider accommodations with a range of amenities. Look for places that offer easy access to the attraction and provide facilities such as guided tours, water sports equipment, and proximity to dining options. Additionally, choose accommodations with comforts like spa services, ocean-view rooms, and transportation assistance to ensure a well-rounded and convenient experience during your stay on the island.

Transportation in Mauritius

When visiting the underwater waterfall in Mauritius, transportation options are plentiful. Car rentals provide flexibility and convenience, allowing for easy access to the site. Exploring public transportation is another viable option, with reliable services connecting various parts of the island. Considering the diverse attractions beyond the underwater waterfall, having a means of transportation is essential to fully experience everything Mauritius has to offer. Whether by car or public transport, traveling around the island is an opportunity to witness the unique beauty of Mauritius.

Car Rentals and Driving in Mauritius

cars driving around mauritius island
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When visiting Mauritius and planning to explore the island, consider renting a car for convenience and flexibility. Driving in Mauritius is relatively easy as the island has a well-maintained road network, and the majority of road signs are in English and French. Many international car rental companies operate in Mauritius, offering a range of vehicles to suit different needs. It’s essential to have a valid driver’s license and be mindful of local traffic rules. This allows you to explore the island at your own pace and reach the underwater waterfall with ease.

Public Transportation Options

Public transportation in Mauritius offers a convenient way to explore the island, including the underwater waterfall. The local bus network covers most areas and is an affordable option. Additionally, taxis and rental cars provide flexibility for travelers. While public buses may take longer, they offer a cost-effective mode of transportation, allowing visitors to experience the island’s unique scenery and attractions.

Other Must-Visit Places in Mauritius

Le Morne Brabant, an iconic mountain with a rich historical significance, offers stunning panoramic views and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Black River Gorges National Park is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, boasting diverse flora and fauna. Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden showcases the unique harmony of shades and aromas of Mauritian flora. These attractions, along with the underwater waterfall, form a tapestry of Mauritius’s natural wonders, making it a must-visit destination for those looking for a little bit more off the beaten path.

Le Morne Brabant

 Le Morne Brabant beach with a woman in a bikini taking a picture
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The iconic Le Morne Brabant, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a majestic basaltic monolith offering breathtaking panoramic views of the Indian Ocean. This historical landmark holds deep cultural significance, once serving as a haven for escaped slaves. Visitors can embark on a rewarding hike to the summit, witnessing the unique harmony of shades created by the coastal sand and underwater waterfall optical illusion. The Le Morne Peninsula’s sheer beauty and historical importance make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking a deeper understanding of Mauritius’ rich heritage.

Black River Gorges National Park

Black River Gorges National Park is a sanctuary of natural beauty, with lush forests, breathtaking waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. The park, spread over 6,574 hectares, offers hiking trails leading to stunning viewpoints. Visitors can witness the charm of the rarest forests and indigenous fauna. It’s a paradise for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts, providing a serene escape and a glimpse of the unspoiled wilderness of Mauritius. The park is a must-visit for those seeking a tranquil retreat amidst the island’s natural wonders.

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden

Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden
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Nestled in the rich heart of Mauritius, the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden is a horticultural haven showcasing the island’s indigenous flora and fauna. Spanning 60 acres, this UNESCO World Heritage site features exotic palms, lily ponds, and the jaw-dropping giant water lilies. The garden also houses rare species like the talipot palm, known for its remarkable once-in-40-years flowering spectacle. From leisurely strolls to birdwatching, this botanical gem offers a tranquil retreat with mesmerizing natural wonders.

Dining in Mauritius: A Foodie’s Guide

Mauritius offers a diverse culinary scene, blending Indian, Chinese, French, and Creole influences. Must-try dishes include “dholl puri” (Indian-inspired flatbread with yellow split pea puree), “rougaille” (a Creole tomato-based dish), and “farata” (a type of roti). For an upscale experience, visit “The Château de Bel Ombre” or “La Table du Château.” Meanwhile, “Chez Tante Athalie” and “La Bonne Marmite” offer authentic Creole flavors. Don’t miss the chance to savor the island’s fusion cuisine and unique flavors.

Must-Try Mauritian Dishes

dholl puri a type of Indian-influenced flatbread filled with ground yellow split peas
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Mauritian cuisine is a delightful fusion of Indian, Chinese, African, and European influences. Must-try dishes include “dholl puri,” a type of Indian-influenced flatbread filled with ground yellow split peas, and “gateau piment,” which are tasty split pea fritters. Seafood lovers shouldn’t miss out on “carri de poisson,” a scrumptious fish curry, and “camarons,” succulent freshwater prawns. For those with a sweet tooth, “gateau coco,” a coconut cake, and “alouda,” a refreshing milk-based drink with agar agar jelly, are popular choices.

Located near the underwater waterfall, one can visit upscale restaurants offering panoramic views of the Indian Ocean. With a focus on fresh seafood and Creole cuisine, these establishments provide a delightful culinary experience. The fusion of diverse flavors and local ingredients creates an unforgettable dining adventure. Visitors can savor traditional Mauritian dishes while enjoying the breathtaking seascape. These restaurants are not just a place to eat; they offer an immersive journey into the island’s rich culinary heritage, complementing the natural wonder of the underwater waterfall.


When planning your trip to Mauritius Island’s underwater waterfall, consider the unique natural phenomenon and the captivating scenic beauty it offers. Understanding the science behind this optical illusion adds a layer of appreciation to the experience. The best time to visit is during stable weather conditions with less tourist crowd factors. Within destination guides, you’ll find that tourists are also in luck with the opportunity to explore yet another underwater spectacle: Denmark’s hidden waterfall, the Denmark Strait Cataract, presents a different but equally mesmerizing underwater spectacle. From helicopter tours to scuba diving, there are various ways to experience these natural wonders. Ensure you pack suitable clothing, footwear, and photography equipment for an unforgettable visit. Choosing accommodations in close proximity enhances the overall experience. Transportation options and other must-visit places in Mauritius further enrich your journey, making your adventure a comprehensive exploration of nature’s marvels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Underwater Waterfall Safe for Tourists?

Yes, the underwater waterfall in Mauritius is safe for tourists. However, it’s important to follow safety guidelines while snorkeling or diving near the waterfall due to strong currents. Always go with a licensed tour operator for a secure and enjoyable experience.

Where is the Underwater Waterfall?

The underwater waterfall is located off the coast of the Le Morne Peninsula in Mauritius, a small island nation in the Indian Ocean. This remarkable optical illusion is situated about 1,200 miles southeast of the African continent, near the island’s southwestern tip.

What are the Underwater Waterfall Reviews?

Reviews of the underwater waterfall in Mauritius often highlight its breathtaking beauty and unique natural spectacle, with many describing it as a once-in-a-lifetime aerial or boat experience that showcases an incredible illusion of a cascading waterfall beneath the ocean’s surface. Visitors frequently commend the surreal and picturesque views, emphasizing the importance of seeing this marvel from above to fully appreciate its grandeur and the optical illusion it presents.

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