20 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid When Visiting Disney World 

Walt Disney World signage
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Visiting Disney World in Florida is a dream vacation. You can’t imagine how much fun it is and how much there is to see- but rookie mistakes can cost you time and money Don’t let all of your hard work and planning go to waste. Check out these 20 rookie mistakes to avoid when visiting Disney World to make sure that you don’t get caught in any of the common pitfalls. 

Staying Off-site

Hotel at Disney World
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While you might have concerns about the price of Disney-branded hotels, if you are careful you can get great package deals that make the on-site hotels more economical. You will also find that you have more of a true Disney experience when you stay within the Disney bubble. Don’t sell your experience short by missing out on all that Disney hotels have to offer.

Planning a Disney Holiday

Christmas tree in front of Cinderella's castle at Disney World
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It might sound super idyllic to have a Disney holiday, but leave that to the vets. Disney World gets extremely crowded on holidays and the price of pretty much everything goes up. For the best prices and the best experience, avoid planning your trip to Disney on a major holiday.

Buying the Wrong Tickets

Disney World 50th anniversary themed tickets
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Not all Disney tickets were created equal. Of course, you will need to get the correct number of tickets for the right dates, but in addition to that, you will need to consider other options from Park Hopper options to water parks and sports options. Make sure that the tickets that you choose are giving you the experiences that matter most to you.

Not Downloading the App

My Disney Experience app on a smartphone
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Like the commercial says, “There’s an app for that!” 

Don’t miss out on great opportunities and deals that are only available through the Disney app. The My Disney Experience App gives you maps with up to date ride wait times, quick service restaurant mobile ordering, and much more. Make sure everyone in your party has downloaded it and learned how it works before you go.

Forgetting to Relax

Disney World Skyliner car
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It’s hard not to experience the fear of missing out while on your trip, but don’t over-schedule activities. The resorts are awesome, don’t forget to slow down and relax and enjoy your time on the Disney properties. Not everything has to be rushed and crammed into such a short timeframe. 

Not Staying Long Enough

Walt Disney World's Cinderella castle

How long your trip will last has to be partially based on your schedule and budget, but don’t underestimate the size of Disney World and all of the things to do there. You will not be able to schedule the real amount of time you would like to stay, but stay as long as you can. You will want time to explore everything and even revisit your favorites twice if you can!

Missing Big Discounts

Mickey Mouse and Friends in Tokyo Disney Land.

You absolutely can find discounts on Disney rooms, tickets, and even whole vacation packages. You can find good deals on Disney’s website where they run their own promotions as well as through travel agents and other venues. 

Forgetting About the Weather

Flickr / Mr. Nixter / CC 2.0

Experiencing the parks means a lot of being outside and a lot of walking. Keep in mind that you will have Florida weather to contend with! That means you will need to prepare for hot temperatures, and there is lots of rain and even tropical storms to be considered when you visit the Sunshine State. Stay hydrated and plan for rainy days.

Waiting for Your Favorites

It's a Small World ride at Disneyland
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Whatever you do, don’t miss out on your dream experience! Make sure to hit the major attractions and things that matter most to you first. Anything can happen, including ride malfunctions and weather delays, and you don’t want to miss out on the very thing that you came to see. 

Wearing the Wrong Attire

woman wearing flip flops
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Everyone wants to look good and feel their best. Make sure when choosing outfits and shoes, that you keep in mind how much walking you will do and the kind of temperatures you will be facing. You will thank yourself later for soft breathable fabrics and comfy shoes with lots of support.

Missing Extra Hours at the Parks


There are Early Theme Park Entry and Extended Evening Hours for Deluxe Resort Guests only. These are worth the price because they allow much better access to attractions with shorter lines. There are also special shows and presentations during these hours during the holiday seasons like Halloween and Christmas. 

Not Getting Proper Sleep

hotel room interior
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It can be tempting to stay up late and sleep in while you are on vacation but that isn’t the best thing to do when you are visiting Disney. You will want to get plenty of sleep and rise early so you have the time and energy to visit all of the attractions that you want to see. 

Missing Out on Breaks

Walt Disney World Monorail

Not taking breaks will leave you worn out and unable to enjoy all of the fun things that you want to do. Plan on taking breaks often enough to keep yourself hydrated and revitalized. Make sure to grab snacks as well so you don’t get feeling run down and hungry throughout your experience.

Not Understanding the Virtual Queue

People standing in line
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Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind in EPCOT and TRON: Lightcycle Run at Magic Kingdom require virtual queues. The virtual queue allows you to maintain your place in line while enjoying other attractions. As your turn approaches, you can make your way to the attraction.

Not Getting to Know Genie+

Couple looking at a smartphone
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You can reserve attractions throughout the day using this feature and then join lightning lanes to enjoy many attractions faster. When the park is less crowded this feature isn’t as necessary, but on high-volume days it is an awesome time saver. It’s also good for guests trying to fit in as many attractions as possible in a short time frame.

Missing Out on Refillable Mugs

Disney Refillable Mugs
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Let’s just say that refillable mugs are worth their weight in gold at Disney! You can’t use them at the parks, but you can at the resorts- so you will want to have one.  They are refillable in most places at the resorts including quick service locations, pool bars, and gift shops.

Not Bringing Groceries

Several granola bars
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No matter what kind of food package you decide on, you will still want to have some of your own groceries wherever you are staying. Bottled juices and water along with snacks and quick-serve items will be a must at some point throughout your stay. 

Not Taking Advantage of the Dining Plan

Plate with Mickey Mouse waffles
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Make sure you understand all of the ins and outs of the dining plan if you decide to get it. If you have the dining plan, take full advantage of it and get your money’s worth. Their dining plan isn’t quite the deal that it used to be, but if you use it correctly, it is still the best way to go for many guests.

Forgetting to Make Reservations

At Cinderella's Royal Table: Seasonal Dessert - Strawberry Cheesecake.
Flickr / HarshLight / CC 2.0

You are going to need to have a reservation if you expect to get into the more popular dining options at Disney. Of course, there will still be some options available, but you will likely face dealing with a crowd and not having the dining experience that you had hoped for. 

Planning Wrong

Disney World's Tomorrowland

Read lots of blogs online, check all of your options, and plan a dream vacation. Make sure you know what you want and how you will fit it all into your Disney experience, but don’t be so rigid with your plans that you don’t allow for some unexpected excitement. Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses, as well as shake Mickey’s hand! 

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