12 Helpful Tips for Taking a Red-Eye Flight
There are quite a few benefits to hopping on the red-eye. Mainly, it maximizes your time at home and abroad. You can still get in a full day’s work on one side of the ocean and arrive with the whole day before you on the other.
The trouble is, how do you get a decent night’s sleep sitting upright in a tight chair with someone elbowing you or disturbing your sleep for a bathroom break? Here are a few tips and tricks to see you through the worst of it.
Start Adjusting to Your New Time Zone
See if you can start adjusting to your new time zone a week ahead of your flight. This may be difficult if you’re traveling somewhere that’s five or six hours ahead.
But, even the smallest adjustments may help. If you play your cards right, what would be a red-eye may just end up feeling like an early morning flight.
Consider Taking Lavender Softgels
There are a number of healthy brands on the market that have formulated lavender essential oil softgels to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. The thing is, it takes a week or two for your body to adjust to them and reap their benefits.
Speak to your doctor to see if you can add lavender essential oil into your daily routine. If so, start taking them at night when you’re getting ready for bed. You may find that you have better sleep with fewer disruptions.
Skip the Alcohol
We know by now that overindulging in alcohol may help us fall asleep early. It’s also gracious enough to provide us with disrupted sleep and a groggy feeling upon awakening.
A groggy feeling is the very opposite of what you want when you wake up on a crowded plane. Aside from this, flying is already dehydrating. Adding alcohol to the mix won’t do a thing to make you feel ready to take on the world.
Skip the In-Flight Meal
If you can manage it, skip the in-flight meal. Try to eat at the airport, if you have enough time, or wait until you land. Once we eat, our body needs a little time to digest. Like the glass or two of wine, this will only prevent us from getting any sort of meaningful sleep.